Intro to HTML & CSS - Workshop Recap

On October 24, 2020 @ 1PM EST, we held our first event which was an Intro to HTML & CSS Workshop! For our first event we were able to get 50 RSVP’s which was a major success!

Image: Event Page

Event page: https://community.codecademy.com/e/m4r74d/



  • Welcome to the Codecademy Toronto Chapter!
  • What is HTML & CSS?
  • HTML: Structure & Elements
  • CSS: Styles, Fonts & Colours
  • CSS: Positioning & Layout
  • Extra Resources to learn and develop
  • QnA + Stay in Touch

For those who missed it and still want to gain some of the resources shared. This post was made to share the same slide deck that was used and also all the links to the extra resources.


Slide Deck:

Here is the slide deck used during the workshop




Here are a list of resources to continue learning HTML & CSS, as well its a great summary of everything discussed at the workshop! All credit goes to Codecademy for these free resources!


Want to attend a future event?

If you’d like to attend a future event, make sure to press the “Join Us” button at our Community Homepage linked below!



Get Involved

Stay connected with the Chapter through our social media and Toronto Discord channel in the Codecademy Community Server below:

Join us in Discord: https://discord.gg/3sNuBsj
Instagram: @codecademytoronto

As well, we’re always looking to support new projects you may be working on! If you have any suggestions or ideas for our Chapter, please fill out this Feedback & Suggestion Form below

Form link: https://forms.gle/emBG8nAvsfcromY36